Program Previous Terms
Program Winter Term 23/24:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Variational Inference for Cutting Feedback in Misspecified Models | Friday, 11/03/2023, 13.00 c.t. |
Michael Smith Melbourne Business School |
Active learning-assisted neutron spectroscopy with log-Gaussian processes | Wednesday, 11/08/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Mario Teixeira Parente Department of Statistics, LMU |
Finite-sample exact prediction bands for functional data | Monday, 11/20/2023, 15.00 s.t. |
Simone Vantini Polytechnic University of Milan |
The power of prediction | Monday, 11/27/2023, 4.15 pm |
Moritz Hardt Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen |
AutoML for tabular datasets and tabular datasets for AutoML | Wednesday, 12/06/2023, 4.15 pm |
Matthias Feurer Department of Statistics, LMU |
In Search of Alignment between Social Media Posts and Survey Responses | Thursday, 12/14/2023, 4.15 pm |
Frederick Conrad Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science |
From Couch to Poll: Media Content and the Value of Local Information |
Wednesday, 01/10/2024, 4.15 pm | Mathias Bühler Department of Statistics, LMU |
Large-scale pretraining: the nitty-gritty details | New date: Wednesday, 02/21/2024, 2.15 pm | Robert Baldock, Aleph Alpha |
Use Case for Bayesian Deep Learning in the Age of ChatGPT | Wednesday, 02/28/2024, 4.15 pm |
Vincent Fortuin, Helmholtz AI |
Program Summer Term 2023:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Deriving interpretable thresholds for variable importance in random forests by permutation | Wednesday, 05/10/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Maria Blanco, Tim Müller, Laura Schlieker, Hannes Buchner, Armin Ott Staburo GmbH, Munich |
Fusing Statistics and Machine Learning | Wednesday, 05/31/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
David Rügamer Department of Statistics, LMU |
V-Statistics and Variance Estimation: Inference for Random Forests and Other Ensembles | Thursday, 06/01/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Giles Hooker University of California, Berkeley |
Generalized Data Thinning Using Sufficient Statistics | Monday, 06/12/2023, 15.00 s.t. |
Jacob Bien University of Southern California, Los Angeles |
New data, new questions, new problems? Online behavioral data in social science research | Wednesday, 06/14/2023; 16.00 c.t. (only online) |
Ruben L. Bach University of Mannheim |
Rank-based support vector machines for highly imbalanced data using nominated samples | Wednesday, 06/21/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Mohammad Jafari Jozani University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada |
Implicit models, latent compression, intrinsic biases, and cheap lunches in community detection in networks | Wednesday, 06/28/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Tiago de Paula Peixoto Central European University, Vienna |
Challenges in modern statistical network analysis: Data collection and covariate effect assessment | Thursday, 07/13/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Cornelius Fritz Pennsylvania State University |
Mean field variational Bayes for finite mixture of random coefficients models | Thursday, 07/27/2023, 10.00 s.t. |
Anoop Chaturvedi University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, India |
StatTag and StatWrap for Conducting Collaborative Reproducible Research | Thursday, 09/28/2023, 10.00 c.t. |
Leah J. Welty Northwestern University, Chicago |
Program Winter Term 22/23:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Decision Making under Complex Information with Applications to Statistics and Machine Learning | Wednesday, 10/19/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Christoph Jansen Department of Statistics, LMU |
Current Research Projects in the Statistics and Econometrics Group | Wednesday, 11/16/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Daniel Wilhelm Department of Statistics, LMU |
Testing for Global Covariate Effects in Dynamic Interaction Event Networks | Wednesday, 11/30/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Alexander Kreiß Leipzig University |
Collaborative real-time modelling during the COVID-19 pandemic | Wednesday, 12/21/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Johannes Bracher Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
E is the new P | Tuesday, 01/10/2023, 17.00 c.t. |
Rianne de Heide Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
An interpretable machine learning workflow for statistical inference | Wednesday, 01/25/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Andreas Joseph Bank of England, London |
Benchmarking in the social sciences | Wednesday, 02/01/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Paulina Pankowska University of Utrecht |
The Generalized Linear Mixed Model Leading Terms | Wednesday, 02/08/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Matt Wand University of Technology Sydney |
Assessing goodness of fit for network models | Wednesday, 02/15/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Gesine Reinert University of Oxford |
Modeling biomarker ratios with gamma distributed components | Wednesday, 03/22/2023, 16.00 c.t. |
Matthias Schmid University of Bonn |
Program Summer Term 2022:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Instrumental Variable Approaches To Individualized Treatment Regimes Under A Counterfactual World | Tuesday, 05/03/2022, 14.00 c.t. |
Yifan Cui National University of Singapore |
Detecting parameter heterogeneity in psychometric models by means of model-based recursive partitioning with psychotree, stablelearner & co. | Wednesday, 05/04/2022, 17.30 s.t. |
Carolin Strobl University of Zurich |
Surprises in topic model estimation and new Wasserstein document-distance calculations | Wednesday, 05/11/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Florentina Bunea Cornell University, Ithaca, New York |
Data 4 Policy: Towards a Data Culture | Wednesday, 05/18/2022, 16.00 c.t. (Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, B 201) Meeting-ID: 942-6899-3687 Password: 630870 /j/94268993687?pwd=TzRON09 qYXhWTWtRT3ZySzRPR0ZWQT09 |
Walter J. Radermacher Department of Statistics, LMU |
Uncertainty, Networks and Statistical Modelling | Wednesday, 06/01/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Working group presentation: Chair of Applied Statistics in Social Sciences, Economics and Business (Göran Kauermann) |
On the Difficulty of Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning: The Case of Direct Uncertainty Estimation through Loss Minimization | Wednesday, 06/08/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Viktor Bengs Department of Statistics, LMU |
Knowledge Cascade: Reverse Knowledge Distillation | Tuesday, 06/14/2022, 15.00 s.t. |
Ping Ma University of Georgia |
Does Rising Inequality Reduce Social Cohesion? New Results Using Hybrid Multilevel Regression Models and Four Decades of Repeated Surveys in 32 Countries | Wednesday, 06/15/2022, 16.00 c.t. (online only) /j/3744147750?pwd=MWpsWX JnQTZVSitMaHByZSt3SmNkZz09 |
Markus Gangl Goethe University Frankfurt |
State space models as a flexible framework for monitoring epidemics | Thursday, 06/23/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Stefan Heyder, Thomas Hotz Technische Universität Ilmenau |
Predicting macroeconomic indicators from online activity data: a case study | Wednesday, 06/29/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Maria Eduarda Silva University of Porto |
Some Ideas for Causal Inference with Continuous Multiple Time Point Interventions | Wednesday, 07/06/2022, 16.00 c.t. |
Michael Schomaker Department of Statistics, LMU |
Functional data methods for wearable device data | Tuesday, 07/12/2022, 17.30 s.t. |
Jeff Goldsmith Columbia University, New York |
Combining experimental and population data to estimate population treatment effects | Wednesday, 07/13/2022, 16.00 s.t. (online only) |
Elizabeth Stuart Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore |
On vine copulas and uncertainty | Wednesday, 07/20/2022, 17.00 c.t. |
Thomas Nagler Department of Statistics, LMU |
Program Winter Term 2021/22:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
A marked Hawkes process for modeling and detecting fake news on social media | Wednesday, 10/20/2021, 16.00 c.t. |
Stefan Feuerriegel Munich School of Management, LMU |
Testing Probabilistic Oracles | Wednesday, 11/03/2021, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Timo von Oertzen Universität der Bundeswehr München |
How To Develop Data Science Products at Scale | Thursday, 11/04/2021, 11.00 s.t. (online only) |
René Traue, Christian Lindenlaub GfK, Nuremberg |
Learning from Weakly Structured Information (Slides) |
Wednesday, 12/01/2021, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Working group presentation: Foundations of Statistics and their Applications (Thomas Augustin) |
Science of Data - or what we think about when we worry about data quality | Wednesday, 01/12/2022, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Working group presentation: Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities (Frauke Kreuter) |
Measurement error in social research | Wednesday, 01/19/2022, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Daniel L. Oberski Utrecht University |
The Statistical Consulting Unit StaBLab at LMU - Selected Examples of Current Research Projects | Wednesday, 01/26/2022, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Working group presentation: Statistical Consulting Unit (StaBLab) (Helmut Küchenhoff) |
The Statistical Learning and Data Science Group - Selected Topics from Research and Applications | Wednesday, 02/02/2022, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Working group presentation: Statistical Learning and Data Science (Bernd Bischl) |
The Working Group on Methods for Missing Data, Model Selection and Model Averaging - Research Topics and Applications | Wednesday, 02/09/2022, 16.00 c.t. (online only) |
Working group presentation: Methods for Missing Data, Model Selection and Model Averaging (Christian Heumann) |
Program Summer Term 2021:
Program Winter Term 2020/21:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Multiaccurate Predictors Under Distributional Shifts | Wednesday, 11/18/2020, 16.00 c.t. |
Christoph Kern Department of Statistics, LMU |
Beyond traditional assumptions in fair machine learning (Slides) |
Wednesday, 12/09/2020, 16.00 c.t. |
Niki Kilbertus HelmholtzAI, Munich |
Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Information Rigidity in the Crude Oil Market: Evidence from Survey Data | Wednesday, 12/16/2020, 16.00 c.t. |
Robert Czudaj Department of Statistics, LMU |
Flexible domain prediction of continuous and count outcomes using unit level quantile random effects regression | Wednesday, 01/13/2021, 16.00 c.t. |
Timo Schmid Freie Universität Berlin |
Testing relevant hypotheses in functional time series via self-normalization | Wednesday, 02/03/2021, 16.00 s.t. |
Holger Dette Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Program Summer Term 2020:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Integrating Probability and Nonprobability Surveys: A Bayesian Approach | Wednesday, 06/03/2020, 16.00 c.t. |
Joseph Sakshaug Department of Statistics, LMU; IAB Nuremberg |
Lower bound for true incidence of infections based on official case numbers during a COVID outbreak in Germany 2020 | Wednesday, 06/17/2020, 16.00 s.t. |
Ralph Brinks, Annika Hoyer Department of Statistics, LMU |
Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany | Wednesday, 07/08/2020, 16.00 c.t. |
COVID-19 Data Analysis Group@LMU |
A meta-analysis of individual, aggregated and incomplete aggregated data | Wednesday, 07/29/2020, 16.00 s.t. |
Reinhard Vonthein Department of Statistics, LMU |
Program Winter Term 2019/20:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Regression and graphical model learning for compositional data - with applications to microbiome data | Wednesday, 11/06/2019, 16.00 s.t. (Schellingstr. 3, S 006) |
Christian Müller Department of Statistics, LMU |
Maschinelles Lernen und amtliche Statistik? | Wednesday, 11/20/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Florian Dumpert Federal Statistical Office, Wiesbaden |
Approaches for sharing information between heterogeneous patient subgroups in sparse Cox models | Wednesday, 11/27/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Katrin Madjar Department of Statistics, LMU |
On the degrees of freedom of a smoothing parameter | Wednesday, 12/04/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Benjamin Säfken Department of Statistics, LMU |
Score matching for graphical models | Wednesday, 12/18/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Mathias Drton Technical University of Munich |
Bringing Research Design Back In | Wednesday, 01/08/2020, 16.00 c.t. (Konradstr. 6, Room 309) |
Ulrich Kohler University of Potsdam |
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Earth Observation | Wednesday, 01/15/2020, 16.00 s.t. |
Xiaoxiang Zhu German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
Statistical and Computational Challenges in Probabilistic Ensemble Forecasting for Infectious Disease | Wednesday, 01/22/2020, 16.00 s.t. |
Nicholas G. Reich University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
mlr3 - A new framework for machine learning with R | Wednesday, 01/29/2020, 16.00 c.t. |
Michel Lang Department of Statistics, LMU |
Semi-Structured Deep Distributional Learning | Wednesday, 02/26/2020, 16.00 s.t. |
David Rügamer Department of Statistics, LMU |
Program Summer Term 2019:
Immigration and Support for the Welfare State: How to Do Replication in the Social Sciences? Wednesday, 05/08/2019,
16.00 c.t.
(Schellingstr. 3, S 006) Katrin Auspurg, Josef Brüderl
Department of Sociology, LMU
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Online data challenges, disrupters and facilitators for grant-based clinical risk prediction research | Wednesday, 05/22/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Donna Ankerst Technical University of Munich |
New approaches for the modeling of competing risks in discrete time | Wednesday, 06/12/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Moritz Berger Department of Statistics, LMU |
Matrix-Free Algorithms for Smoothing Large Data Sets | Wednesday, 06/19/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Julian Wagner Department of Statistics, LMU |
Bayesian modelling of treatment effects on panel outcomes | Monday, 06/24/2019, 14.30 s.t. |
Helga Wagner Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Aktuelle Probleme der Kalibrierung und kohärenten Schätzung | Wednesday, 07/03/2019, 16.00 c.t. (Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, M 001) |
Ralf Münnich University of Trier |
Learning good research practices the hard way: a reproducibility study in the class room | Wednesday, 07/10/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Heidi Seibold Department of Statistics, LMU |
Kaggle-in-class Data Challenges Can Boost Student Learning | Wednesday, 07/17/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Julia Polak University of Melbourne |
Overview of Masters Research (Analytics Application to the Insurability of Chronic Conditions) | Thursday, 07/18/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Lee Sarkin Munich Re Data Analytics, Singapore |
Program Winter Term 18/19:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
A semi-parametric model for the meta-analysis of diagnostic tests accounting for multiple thresholds | Wednesday, 11/07/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Annika Hoyer Department of Statistics, LMU |
Spatial Conditional Overdispersed Bayesian Model Proposals | Wednesday, 11/28/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Vicente A. Núñez-Anton Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao |
Linear Discriminant Analysis with High-dimensional Spatial Data | Monday, 12/17/2018, 11.00 s.t. |
Taps Maiti Michigan State University |
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare | Tuesday, 01/15/2019, 14.00 s.t. |
Aldo Faisal Imperial College London |
Statistical Postprocessing of Numerical Weather Predictions | Wednesday, 01/23/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Thorsten Simon Universität Innsbruck |
Multi-state models in chronic disease epidemiology | Wednesday, 01/30/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Ralph Brinks Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum, University of Düsseldorf |
A relational approach in classification, subgroup discovery and statistical data analysis | Wednesday, 02/13/2019, 16.00 s.t. |
Georg Schollmeyer Department of Statistics, LMU |
Streaming data from a smartphone application: a new approach using mHealth and data-driven analyses to map health during travel during travel | Wednesday, 03/13/2019, 09.00 s.t. |
Andrea Farnham Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel |
Program Summer Term 2018:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Superstar Economists: Coauthorship networks and research output | Wednesday, 04/18/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Michael König University of Zurich |
Kernel-based short-term forecasting of trending seasonal time series | Wednesday, 05/02/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Joachim Schnurbus (Vertretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU) |
Parameter estimation from coarse data: on different theoretical assumptions and their practical implications | Monday, 05/07/2018, 14.00 s.t. |
Inés Couso Universidad de Oviedo |
Sequential detection of structural changes in irregularly observed data | Wednesday, 05/09/2018, 17.20 s.t. |
Tobias Kley HU Berlin |
Forecasting infectious disease epidemics via weighted density ensembles | Monday, 05/14/2018 , 16.00 s.t. |
Nicholas Reich Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Tree-Based Conditional Portfolio Sorts: The Relation Between Past and Future Stock Returns | Wednesday, 05/23/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Benjamin Moritz Institut für Statistik, LMU |
Surveys, "Big Data", and Machine Learning: Bringing Methods together to Solve Difficult Problems at Scale | Wednesday, 06/13/2018, 17.00 s.t. |
Curtiss Cobb Survey Scientist and Manager, Demography and Survey Science Group, Facebook |
A Multilayer ERGM framework for weighted networks | Friday, 06/22/2018 , 16.00 s.t. |
Alberto Caimo Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland |
Statistical Inference for Discretely Observed Markov Processes, With Application to Credit Rating Transitions | Wednesday, 07/11/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Marius Pfeuffer Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Program Winter Term 17/18:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Statistische Modelle bei der Analyse von sensorischen Daten am Beispiel Ebergeruch | Wednesday, 09/21/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Jan Gertheiss (Technische Universität Clausthal) |
Reproducibility of Statistical Tests | Wednesday, 11/07/2017, 10.15 |
Frank Coolen (Durham University) |
The Deep Forest and its Modifications (slides) |
Wednesday, 11/08/2017, 10.15 (Alte Bibliothek) |
Lev Utkin (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University) |
Adaptive Smoothing with an Application to Nonlinear Panel Data and the Incidental Parameter Problem | Wednesday, 11/08/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Martin Spindler (Universität Hamburg) |
Kontrollkarten zur Detektion abrupter Änderungen in Signalen mit zeitabhängigem Trend | Wednesday, 12/06/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Sermad Abbas (TU Dortmund) |
Antrittsvorlesung | Wednesday, 01/10/2018, 16.00 s.t. ( Professor-Huber-Platz 2, V005 ) |
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup (LMU Munich) |
Die Statistik(abteilung) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit: Das unbekannte Wesen? | Wednesday, 01/15/2018, 10.15 (Seminarraum) |
Rainer Hahn (Stellvertretender Leiter der Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit) |
Model-Based Recursive Partitioning for Stratified and Personalised Medicine | Wednesday, 01/17/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Heidi Seibold (Universität Zürich) |
Gaussian Process Emulation of Computer Models with Massive Output | Wednesday, 01/31/2018, 16.00 s.t. |
Jim Berger Duke University, USA |
Cost Risk Analysis: Dynamically Consistent Decision-Making under Climate Targets | Monday, 02/19/2018, 16.30 s.t. |
Hermann Held Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Uni Hamburg und vom Postdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung |
Program Summer Term 2017:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
The R package "hmi" - a convenient tool for imputing missing values in hierarchical datasets | Wednesday, 04/19/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Matthias Speidel (Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg) |
An introduction to boosting distributional regression | Wednesday, 05/10/2017, 16.30 s.t. |
Andreas Mayr (Vetretungsprofessur Institut für Statistik, LMU) |
Joint Modelling of Longitundinal and Time-to-Event Data - From classical approaches to machine learning | Wednesday, 05/31/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Elisabeth Waldmann (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
Robust Bayesian Analysis of Linear Static Panel Data Models Using Epsilon-contamination | Wednesday, 06/28/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Anoop Chaturvedi (University of Allahabad, India) |
Program Winter Term 16/17:
Topic | Date | Speaker |
Fusion Learning: Fusing Inferences from Multiple Sources for More Powerful Findings (84 KByte) | Wednesday, 11/23/2016, 16.00 s.t. |
Regina Liu, Rutgers University (NJ, USA) |
Selective Inference with Application to L2-Boosting (108 KByte) | Wednesday, 11/30/2016, 16.30 s.t. |
David Rügamer, LMU München |
Understanding Biological Processes using Stochastic Modelling: Gaining Information from Uncertainty (83 KByte) | Wednesday, 12/07/2016, 16.00 s.t. |
Christiane Fuchs, LMU München |
Assessing and Explaining Strategic Voting with Survey Data: A Finite Mixture Discrete Choice Model | Wednesday, 12/21/2016, 16.00 s.t. |
Martin Elff, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen |
(Bayesian) Regression for Big Data using Random Projections | Wednesday, 01/11/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Katja Ickstadt/Leo Geppert, TU Dortmund |
Step-Stress Models | Wednesday, 01/18/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Maria Kateri, RWTH Aachen |
Surfaces, shapes and anatomy | Wednesday, 01/25/2017, 16.00 s.t. |
Adrian Bowman University of Glasgow |
Selection of Effects in Cox Frailty Models by Regularization Methods | Wednesday, 02/01/2017, 17.15 Schellingstr. 3, S 006 |
Andreas Groll Universität Göttingen |